Episode 1: College, Exec Comp, and New CISOs

Welcome to the first episode of Distilled Security!

Join us as we dive into a variety of exciting topics, including:
  • Is College Worth It?: We explore the value of higher education in today's world.
  • Microsoft and Executive Compensation: Analyzing cybersecurity in executive pay at Microsoft.
  • BSides Pittsburgh: Exciting talks are coming to BSidesPGH.
  • Starting as a New CISO: Things to do first coming into a new company.
Grab your favorite cocktail and tune in for an engaging and fun-filled discussion!

  • Justin Leapline - https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinleapline/
  • Joe Wynn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/wynnjoe/
  • Rick Yocum - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rickyocum/
Connect with Us
  • Website: https://distilledsecuritypodcast.com
  • Twitter: @DisSecPod
  • Email: hello@distilledsecuritypodcast.com

Creators and Guests

Joe Wynn
Joe Wynn
Founder & CEO @ Seiso | IANS Faculty Member | Co-founder of BSidesPGH
Justin Leapline
Justin Leapline
Founder of episki | IANS Faculty Member
Rick Yocum
Rick Yocum
Optimize IT Founder | Managing Director, TrustedSec
Episode 1: College, Exec Comp, and New CISOs
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